Precision Machinery Parts/ Manufacture Machinery Equipment in Osaka -> FUJIOKA


From Order to Delivery

1. Order

After confirming the specification and condition of quotation, it could be an effective order once you order.
Please provide order with the assigned form from your company or just mark in our quotation.

2. Machining Instruction

After receiving the order, we will discuss with production department and follow the machining instruction, then get ready to do machining.

3. Arrange Material

After machining instruction is completed, we will order the material.
Consider the exact amount, reasonable price and short delivery time when ordering the material.

4. Machining

Based on the machining that has been considered, quick and accurate machining will go ahead.

5. Inspection During Work

In almost all cases, machining products are done in multiple machining processes.
In order to follow the specified dimensions that customers requested, we check the dimension carefully in each process before going to next step.

6. Complete

Finished products will be sent to specific place.
If need surface treatment, we will ask cooperative companies to handle it.

7. Inspection

Product will be inspected before delivering.
We always keep in our mind that providing the perfect products to customers.
As it seems an easy work, it can be said that it is the most important procedure.
Only those that have been inspected will be delivered to customers.

8. Delivery

Product will be delivered to assigned place.

Contact us

Contact by Email

Please check here for phone number.
(Available for English and Chinese)


〈Operation Time〉Mon.-Fri. 9:00~18:00
(Except new year, golden week, summer vacation, closed days)